Which is the happiest Court- Card?
Just my personal thoughts of-course, I'd love to know your opinion!

I think the happiest court-card is the King of Pentacles. (and for balance I think the saddest is the King of coups, but that is a whole-nother blog)
I am using the Druid-Craft King for my study. I believe it also works for the Rider-waite deck.
Christmas in a card
The first thing to say about this particular card, is it just looks like Christmas (Yuletide if you prefer) The colours, Robin, Holly. I love the image of The oak leaves on his shield, this is the time when the oak King wins his battle over the Holly King.
What makes Christmas day so special (or Solstice if that suits better?). I argue it is your attitude. You plan for a day of enjoyment- in whatever way that works for you. Special food, decorations, drinks. A particular effort to spend time with loved ones. The day itself is simply a date, our commitment to make it special, makes it special.
It's like an super version of living with gratitude or positive thinking.
Imagine deciding that every day is worth celebrating. Committing each day to take the time to enjoy food, spend time with loved ones, be grateful for our blessings.
I have the privilege of knowing someone who has dealt with immense personal grief by practicing gratitude and positive thought. It is not my place to name her here, but in readings she always comes up as the King of pentacles. She has been inspirational in my life.
The Holly and the Oak King
I have already highlighted that both Holly & Oak are represented in this card, part of a larger Pagan myth. The Solstice's are times of change. This is represented by the battle between Oak & Holly. With the knowledge that the ruling King will change, and adjustment must be made, some-one will lose and must adapt to that change.
To me that is what strength is- to adapt to whatever comes your way.
And happiness flows from knowing you have that inner strength, that you can accept change and find happiness in new circumstances.
Happiness comes in not trying to create a false stability, but in adapting to the changes that life always brings.
Yuletide Blessings
However you chose to celebrate this time of year, I believe your celebrations are the seed for success, joy and abundance for the coming year.
This is a time to put whatever brings most joy at the top of your list.
My pleasures are quite simple; family time playing games & Christmas crafts with my children, a few good movies, and a rather nice scotch whisky of an evening with my husband.
May this Yuletide bring you much joy and many blessings, and be the seed for a joyful and contented 2017.