Tarot- an in-depth correspondence course
I have been teaching Tarot for over 10 years now, and am delighted to consolidate all my my resources into one cohesive space.
Why take my course?
Because I have been teaching Tarot long enough to know how to structure the information to best support your journey. I have created this course to cover all the questions you are likely to have, and many you may not have thought of!
I am teaching you Tarot reading skills. Helping you to read and understand the cards -rather than memorise them. My aim is to empower your personal relationship with the Tarot, allowing space for your individual style to shine.
You will need a deck of cards, ideally Rider Waite- but if you have a favourite deck we can likely accommodate that. Other than that just time and a fascination with Tarot!
How the course works...
This is an eleven month course - with a module of resources for each month, and the option of personal mentoring with me.
Each module will include;
An in-depth package of materials- PDF's, audio and video, designed to help you understand Tarot on a personal level.
Photographs of actual spreads, connected to the core topic. With my explained reading for you to help understand the process of reading the cars.
Each month;
You receive the first information upon payment then at monthly intervals.
If you have purchased the mentor package- a link to book your session (including my premium slots not normally available)
You can of course take as long as you like- you have ongoing access to all the modules.
You can pay in full, or in monthly instalments.
Now the exciting part- what am I actually covering in this course?
Month 1 Covering the basics
Where does the information come from?
Time, fate, and the basic 3 card spread.
Deep dive into the 4 suits.
PDF with my main "workhorse" spreads.
Month 2 Court-Cards
Understanding the 16 court cards.
How to read a court card (is it me, is it someone else, what if its not a person at all.)
Understanding yourself, and others through the court cards.
Month 3 Wands
Understanding the suit of wands.
The importance of grounding.
Tools to develop intuition and psychic connection.
Month 4 Cups
Understanding the suit of cups.
Different styles of readings.
Affirmations, magic, and using tarot to bring joy.
Month 5 Swords
Understanding the suit of swords
The balance between left and right brain.
The power of self limiting thoughts (and how to change them!)
Month 6 Pentacles
Understanding the suit of pentacles
Using the Tarot for practical help.
Finding the positive in every card.
Month 7 Majors Group 1
Understanding the first group of major arcana.
Understanding yourself, and others using tarot.
Relationship spreads.
Month 8 Majors Group 2
Understanding the second group of major arcana.
understanding the shadow. Things we, or others, don't want to acknowledge.
Month 9 Majors Group 3
Understanding the final group of major arcana.
Predictions and timing.
How predictions work, why they may not be accurate (and how to make them as accurate as possible)
Month 10 The Fool
Understanding the Fool, and the Tarot deck as a whole.
Personal and spiritual development with the Tarot.
The numerology of Tarot
Month 11 Reading for others (and useful for yourself too)
How to safe guard when Tarot
Phrasing the question.
Structuring the reading.
Readers block.
Ethics and Taboo topics.
How to read with out a spread.
Tarot in-depth
Every month
Taking you to the heart of how to read Tarot
Valid for 11 months
Monthly modules - audio & PDF
Monthly mentor session with me.
Practical exercises to try.
Tarot in-depth (course only)
Every month
Taking you to the heart of how to read Tarot
Valid for 11 months
Monthly modules - audio & PDF
Practical exercises to try.
Terms and conditions:
This course offers the buyer personal use of all the content, which remains my copyright at all times.
Once purchased you have ongoing access to modules as long as the course is active.
Success at reading Tarot is not guaranteed, the course needs you to actively participate in the work.
You may not use any of my content for:
Commercial purposes.
Share any of the course content with third parties.
Share private website details with a third party.
Refund policy
I want you to be happy! If the course is not what you hoped for do reach out and talk to me.
If you are paying by instalments you can stop at any point.
I offer a 30 day no quibble refund policy.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.