Rune Gata-A gateway to the runes.
I have been working with the Younger Futhark runes since 1999, and teaching for over ten years.
This is my online community, where I will share all that I understand about the runes, seidr (shamanic work), the Norse pantheon, and rune magic.
It is a deeply transformative journey, designed to support your personal relationship with the runes. You can enrol at any point and work through the 19 month course. Once you've finished you can stay in the community for a much reduced price- because learning the runes is a lifetime journey!
Each month includes;
A PDF with detailed notes for the module.
A pre-recorded seidr journey.
An hours group Zoom session, recorded incase you can't join live.
Scroll to the bottom the page for my free Rune resources.
Each month we have a rune/deity as a focus, with the odd "integrate"month along the way. During the Zoom session I will share my thoughts, but leave space for questions and discussions.
Through the course we'll explore;
The deep meaning of each rune- for personal development, magic, healing, and shamanic work.
Rune readings- how to use the runes to guide your life.
Norse mythology, and the wisdom to be found in these ancient myths.
And so much more that will unfold along the way- from energy healing to ancestral work.
Know that there is always space for questions - I love to discuss, debate, and answer questions! This is more than a course, it is a community as well.
You can of course cancel at any point, once the course is completed you can continue on the course for £15 a month, I will be adding new material- because I'm still learning too.
January: Skadi, February: Frigg, March; Thor, April; Ull, May; Njord, June; Balder, July; Integrate, August; Odin, September; Tyr, October; Hel, November; Integrate, December; Frey, January; Norns, February; Jord, March; Loki, April, Freya, May, Heimdall, June Integrate, July, Vidar
"I have been engaged in Maddy's rune-lore course for over a year now. Delving into the nuances, characteristics, archetypes and deities attached to each rune has been intensely interesting.
The more I learn the more I realise there is to learn and the way in which Maddy teaches makes that feel like a very exciting prospect. Her personal knowledge and experience of the runes is nothing more than incredible. .I thought I was fairly well versed in rune knowledge however, Maddy's rune-lore course has literally changed the way I see and experience the runes." Mel Maelo, West Sussex
"A vast and mutually evolving encyclopaedia of practical rune-lore which transforms symbols into living energies, to work with, and explore
Working through the Younger Futhark, a month at a time, allows the archetypes to come alive, usually with a beautiful synchronicity of what is passing through our lives at that time." Carol, Seaford