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The most important tarot reading

The most important tarot reading is a reflection reading; reflecting your mind and your unconscious.

This is because what your mind holds slowly sinks into your unconscious.

And what your unconscious holds, is how you perceive the world.

Your unconscious a powerful predictor of your happiness & life success.

I have read this in many books, and came to understand it a little about my own self limiting beliefs.

But it was my husbands job interview that really illustrated just how powerful our unconscious really can be.

He went for a job interview, a gardener at a care home. This was a job he is experienced for, but he decided he had crossed some invisible line and was now "too old". Even before he got there he had decided they would employ a younger person.

When he came home he just said "no, I was right, the younger guy got it" and threw some papers on the table. I couldn't help myself, I picked up the papers and read them. They were police check forms. I was a little curious, I thought they only checked your police record if they had offered you the job. So I headed up stairs, rang the care-home office and asked if they could confirm his start date. "as soon as the checks are completed, we are so pleased to have him work with us, he is exactly what we were looking for"

So at some point in that interview my husband was offered the job, yet his unconscious was so determined he wouldn't get the job that part of the conversation didn't register with him.

And our whole life can be like that.

Opportunities avoided, even when openly offered, because deep down we don't feel like we deserve them, for one reason or another.

Tarot can really help by identifying these deep held self limiting beliefs. You still have to do something about them of course, but often people have got so used to living with these negative mindsets they don't even know they are there.

Which spread to use?

There are plenty of tarot spreads you could use, I like to use a small Celtic cross.

Whilst shuffling I set the intent very clearly that this reading is reflect myself (or my client if I am reading for some one else)

You could easily adapt a spread you already like by setting the intent.

I would read my reflection spread like this;

card 1 (centre) summing me up right now

card 2 (crossing) a psychological issue I need to get to grips with.

card 3 (bottom) unconscious

card 4 (left) past influences

cards 5 (top) my mind right now, this is the card you can most easily improve upon

card 6 (right) the future you are creating today

If I am feeling stressed, overwhelmed or can't find my way forward I find this a really valuable spread to work with. After all, the biggest changes happen when we work on ourselves, so it makes sense that the most important tarot spread is the one that allows us to see ourselves with more clarity.

So dust off your tarot cards and give it a go, feel free to share your spread in the comments, happy to give some input.

If you'd like me to read this spread for you I charge £12, and will read within 48 hours of payment. Just click the link here

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