And here we are- at the end of this course, and the start of the next stage of your journey. Because the learning never stops!
When I wrote my first Tarot book, in that moment, I thought that was the deepest I would go. Yet here I am- at the end of this course with a list of topics I didn't cover!
This module is more about reading skills. I use the words querent & client to refer to the person receiving the reading- this will apply to whether you are reading for yourself, a friend, or a paid client.
Allow yourself to be imperfect.
Embrace the knowledge that each reading- if carried out with an open heart- can be a learning expereince.
Enjoy the journey of learning the Tarot- it takes a lifetime!
This is a real mix of a module, and I do wonder into some deep topics here. Tarot will take you wherever you need to go- so always be ready for the unexpected!
I've tried to include some bullet pointed checklists to balance the more in-depth pieces, and I hope to enjoy my "Who am I?" activity!
I had a client today- 25 years in a soulless marriage- not bad, but not good. After 50 minutes of deeply looking at should she stay or go, move to be closer to family, how would she cope with the guilt... tied up in a 100 knots of possibilities... even I was struggling to find the answers for her.
Because considering the bigger picture was overwhelming. She wanted a nice, tidy, complete answer- and life just doesn't work like that.
So I pulled three cards, "What can you best do right now?" The cards suggested she emotionally withdraw (2 swords) ask for what she needs from her husband (ace swords) and wait to see if he is able to meet her needs (4 cups).
She smiled a big, broad smile. "I can manage that, I guess the rest will follow".
Sometimes there is no easy answer- the only real answer your client needs is right now, what should I best do?
What else do you need as a Tarot reader?
I thought it would be worth covering those little "extras"
A container.
I think you do need a "container" for your cards- the box they came in, a silk bag, hand carved box... whatever works for you. I use a Bellboy office caddy. It has space for everything I need- including change, a small notebook and my reading glasses. The only thing that doesn't fit is my clock- but in an emergency I can take my watch of and put it on the table.
I have two crystals- an amethyst, and a gifted piece of raw amber. I don't need them- but they bring me pleasure.

Anything else- it's up to you!
Cleansing- I prefer to cleanse myself (usually with a few grounding breaths) but if you love sage, or something similar and works for you- then that's just fine.
Clothes, and crystals, pendulums and feathers- all just fine if they suit your style. (I am a Tarot minimalist).
I like pen and paper to mind map what my client is saying, keep a note of the start and finish time, and any names. I do get anxious if I can't see the time (I know I lose all track of time) and if I don't have a pen and paper- because I don't want to hold information in my head that is connected to my client. Imagine how crazy my head would be!!!!!!!
But don't rely on these added extras. See them as having a supporting role to your Tarot reading.
Get used to just shuffling, pulling a card or two in a relaxed chatty way, and building a relationship with your cards.