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My connection with the runes and lokk-seidr  (shamanic chanting) is deeply personal to me.


It comes through my personal path of Stav, and I have been holding monthly groups for over ten years now.

You can work with me in person at the barns, or through my Rune correspondence course. (Or blend the two!)


So- you are curious about working with me?

My Tarot Topics has been running for about 8 years now- a monthly exploration of Tarot, designed as a fun space for anyone interested in Tarot. Each session is only £11, held via Zoom, then uploaded as a private You Tube video you can watch at your leisure. One hour of me, having Tarot fun!

Tarot In-depth is an 11 month Correspondence course, with a blended package each month of PDF's, audio and videos. It is carefully crafted to guide you on your Tarot journey- and you can include personal mentoring with me as well.

Personal mentoring is also available if you'd rather work with me on a one-to-one basis. I will listen to your needs and support your personal Tarot journey.

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Each month I dive deep into a rune- its associations, healing properties, mythology....

You'll receive a PDF, recorded shamanic journey, and there's a Zoom community call to share experiences.

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Meeting at the barns (East Sussex, TN22 5UG)

We gather to share community, chant, journey, and explore integrating runic wisdom into our life.

Wednesday evenings (twice a month) and some Sundays.

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