
What is
As a Norse shaman alongside my drum and my gong I have another tool for shamanic connection which I use – the “lokk”
Lokk is a chant, which I create based on traditional chants, the names of the deities, and the sounds of the runes. As I chant I enter an altered state of consciousness “seidr” and so the lokk is naturally crafted to reflect my experience as I journey.
The lokk is both the tool that allows me to enter the altered state of consciousness (as a drum often does) but each chant has a unique archetype that supports whatever I am doing during the journey. Through experience, and exploring these chants with my students, I am creating a deeper understanding of how the individual sounds can be used, and also how they can be woven together.
I have several “general” chants, not specifically associated with a deity. This originated through my personal tradition of Stav, but over years of personal use have morphed and changed to fit my way of working.
There is lyrical “norn-a-norn” or “Peter’s chant” as I like to call it, which is a gentle start to the process, a more punchy “rune-da-rune” which is great for releasing, a grief stricken version of “rune-da-rune” which releases sadness, and a softer more monotone “norn-a-norn” which seems to bring the ancestors close.
Some of the rune sounds perfectly match the chakras -though which rune sound I choose may change depending on the journey. The only way to describe it is the chant seems to weave itself, a reflection of the work I am doing. Which comes first – the journey or the chant? I am not entirely sure, they seem to reflect each other perfectly.
There are several ways I use lokk-seidr:
I chant as I journey for a client, as part of a shamanic healing. My client relaxes, as I chant to enter an altered state of consciousness and the chant weaves to reflect whatever healing is taking place.
I chant and lead (an individual or group) on a led shamanic journey so they can experience the healing/guidance/inspiration they most need. I am creating a lokk to facilitate my client's shamanic experience.
I lead a group lokk. We chant together (its strange the way it just happens) we all experience whatever connection is right at this point (some people journey, others feel the chant in their body, some are just fully present in the moment, others experience healing...) My role is to hold the chant, and the space, so we can all experience the lokk.
At times others chant so that I can journey and do the work- for the group, the land, myself, or an individual. I may be chanting, but I am not holding the space or the chant.
If you would like to experience lokk-seidr with me you can...
Join a lokk-seidr circle- either in the barns, or via Zoom. You can find all the details here.
Book in for a 1-2-1 session (ideally an hour, longer if you wish) and I can work for you as a shaman using lokk-seidr.
If you would like to be taught lokk-seidr you can join my existing circles, or email me to discuss how I work as a shamanic mentor and teacher.
And I have a few recordings here, more on my guided meditations page (here) although some of them will be drum as well.