I love email tarot readings- they are so clear and focused.
You explain to me what's going on in your life, and what you would like to know.
I have a range of price points- from £15 to £75. Have a browse see what could best suit you....
My first aim is to help you to understand what is going on in your life.
Then I will look at options, possibilities, trying to find the best way forward for you.
The readings are designed for intuitive guidance, any decisions are always yours to make. I hope I can give you a deeper understanding so you can find the best way forward .
The cost of each reading is based on the time I spend. Whether your reading is about money, work, love, spiritual development- whatever your questions just find the right reading price-point for you and let me know how I can help.
So have a read of my different options- and pick the one that best suits your situation...

Any email readings booked will be read the first week of January.
One focus Tarot reading- £25

Let me take a an in-depth look at one area of your life.
Perhaps you have several options to consider in a work situation, you want a heads up for what's going on in your relationship, or you need clear practical advice to develop your business.
This reading could be about love, work, or any one area of your life.
This is more than a prediction- it is designed to help you find the best way forward.
Lots of questions Tarot reading - £48

Sometimes you are faced with complicated choices.
This reading can look into several different life areas, and help you through those confusing times.
Maybe you don't even know where to start? Life feels chaotic and overwhelming?
Perhaps you want careful guidance around a big problem that influences all areas of your life?
Let me help you to consciously create the life you would love to live.
Quick & simple- £15

Whenever I am planning, contemplating or working something out I have a deck of tarot cards next to me. I do quick three card readings to check I am on track. This reading is based on how I read for myself.
You ask three questions.
I will answer accurately and briefly - but always looking to include some guidance or advice. Rarely is anything as simple as yes/no!
Think of these as a quick check in- I will be brief, but as an point and accurate as I can be (which tends to be very accurate!)
Not suitable to base important decisions on, but great to try my style, as a check in on how life is going, or as that extra burst of clarity when you really need it.
Lets make this happen!
Combining Tarot readings, and Shaman healing to create positive change. £75
Is there something you would like to achieve ? Then this is the email tarot package for you.
Perhaps you would like to combine a reading and a distant healing?
To have an email reading more quickly than my usual schedule will allow (this reading will always be top of my list)
Or to have a reading where I create a unique in-depth spread just for you, rather than answer specific questions.

So- what is this useful for? Any area of your life where you are seeking change. From finding a loving relationship, to setting up your own business. The combined tools of tarot and shamanic healing can find the right direction for any area of your life, or we can focus on in-depth Tarot "chats"
It's super simple, and a package I love as I will use it to help you to the best of my abilities. Just email me- and wel'll work out what's best for you.