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Tarot Card meanings- the suit of Cups

Ace Cups -

I see the cup as representing your heart space, the source of love. The dove descending is your connection with the divine, how ever you see that. But most importantly- notice how the water (love) flows out of the cup. All love starts with loving ourselves.

  • You can’t give what you don’t have- look after your own emotional needs today. A little self-nurture!

  • Letting go of past hurts, allowing you move forward.

  • Love overflowing, inspiration, happiness.

  • New, happy emotions; love, friendship, creative venture…

2 Cups -

Often seen as a romantic partnership, but remember it is can be any equal, loving relationship. I love the healing symbol that rises out from between their cups, with the angelic lion above them. Magic happens when we share our true emotions  (the cups) with another who is equally open to us.

  • Partnership- spend time with some one else today- who you find inspiring. Friend, colleague or lover! 

  • Arguments are 80% past issues being triggered…don’t argue about past hurts.

  • Equal, respectful relationships- creating magic.

  • You will achieve much, with another.

3 Cups -

A beautiful card of celebration, harvest (see the fruits) and friendship. I love how it is hard to see whose hand is whose. I can imagine that if one woman stubbled the others would keep her steady until she found her feet. Isn’t that a wonderful reflection of friendship.

  • A little help today will go a long way. Spread the load, reach out, connect.

  • Make time for friends, they can be very uplifting and inspiring.

  • Friendship, fun and celebration.

  • Enjoy life with an open heart.

4 Cups -

So many people presume this is a card of boredom, and it can be. But look carefully as how he is seated. On a small hill, leaning against a tree, could he also be meditating, contemplating, manifesting? His body language looks focused to me.

  • Pause and take the time to dream, doodle, vision. Connect with your dreams a little. 

  • It’s o.k. to feel bored and stuck in a rut, that’s when inspiration strikes!

  • When we wait for a while, in peace; inspiration strikes.

  • Time to focus on “inner work” meditation, dreaming, visualisation (duvet day)

5 Cups -

Its easy to see that there are two cups still standing behind our figure. But look at that bridge too (the same bridge in the 4 of wands). The whole card is acknowledging loss and sadness, but also clearly pointing to new opportunities for love and laughter as well,  as the river flows by, so emotions clear and life moves on in time.

  • Stop focusing on all the little things that may be going wrong. Focus on what is working today.

  • Stop. If you have feelings of sadness- take the time to feel them today.

  • Feeling sad. Maybe about a past issue, or something you wish you had done?

  • Release you’re your past sadness, put on a smile and start a new day.

6 Cups –

This simple card of nostalgia and childhood pleasures does have a shadow, as most cards do. The red hood (linked to the horrors of Little Red Riding Hood), the man walking away to the left, and the crowding in nature of the buildings- there is no way out. The whole card has a fairy-tale feel, and if you know your fairy tales you’ll know they are far darker than we realise. This card can at times point to issues arising from childhood.  We all carry trauma from childhood, even if it is just the realisation that the world is not as safe as our parents tried to pretend it is.

  • A day for simple pleasures & a little fun. Lighten your mood with ice-cream, comedy or a walk in the park. 

  • Judging today a failure because it doesn’t match your memories?

  • Sweet memories of happy days, perhaps feeling nostalgic?

  • Inspired by your memories; create a great day.

7 Cups -

Day dreaming is a powerful tool in manifesting and connecting with our heart. The danger is clearly shown by the dark silhouette of the figure drawn on this card. It is easy to get lost in our dreams, confusing hopes and realities, projecting our fears onto others with no clear understanding of reality.

  • Open your mind to new possibilities & solutions by  imagining what you would most love to achieve. 

  • Don’t waste all your days dreaming, time to take practical action now to make it happen.

  • A card of day dreams, contemplations and imaginings.

  • Honour your need to day dream, it is an important part of creating and manifesting.

8 Cups -

Its easy to see this card as moving on. But we don’t actually know that for sure. The only thing we do know is s/he is moving to a higher vantage point. With the eclipse highlighted in the card I tend to see this card as looking for a different perspective, which may lead to moving on.

  • A different perspective is needed today. Make changes to your routine so you can see the wood for the trees.

  • Do you fear to committing to something; a person, project or hope?

  • The only way to get true perspective (and decide whether to persevere or let go) is with a little distance.

  • Try and get some space alone, listen to & trust your intuition.

9 Cups -

A curious card- with so many small details to note- there doesn’t seem to be room for the 10th cup, he has his back to the cups (though he appears to know they are there, and be proud of them). And the blue cloth- what does that hide?  But more than anything note his posture- linking him to the manifesting card of the 4 of cups, and the confident pose of the queen of wands. I also note the bench, I do sense this man is prepared to work to make his wishes come true.

  • The “wish” card. Act as if everything is hunky-dory, just for today. It can make quite a change.

  • Treat yourself to a day of distraction and confront your problems with a clear mind tomorrow.

  • The wish card. Enjoy life and life will be more enjoyable.

  • Optimism and good cheer will bring great blessings.

10 cups –

My key symbol here is the rainbow. I have seen this card pop up when people are in their lowest moments and they listen to my description of joy and contentment with astonishment. The rainbow represents a promise (Gods promise after the flood in the bible). Even if you are currently in the darkest of places, this card can represent a promise of joy.

  • Relationships are key today. Whether family, work or friends. Make time for people. 

  • Spend time with those you love, enjoy your blessings.

  • Happiness, love, joy and fulfilment 

  • Spend time with those you love, enjoy your blessings.

Testimonials for my Shaman Healing

I was lucky enough to work with Siobhan Curham (published author) first using tarot & then for a shaman healing session. You may recognise me in her recent book "Something more- A spiritual Misfit's search for meaning"

"The shaman in the caravan was a no-nonsense woman with short, dark blonde hair and glasses....The shaman began drumming..and drumming. I'm not sure how long it went on for, I drifted into a deep state of relaxation, then finally she told me to come and join her sitting at the table.

I'm now going to tell you want I saw on my journey she said..."

I am very grateful to Siobhan to have chosen to share her experiences- they always belong to the client, and are never mine to share. She explains the process of a soul retrieval from the view of a client- and how it helped her move on in her personal journey.

"I returned home feeling light and happy.

A couple of hours later-while I was cleaning the dishes, bizarrely- a picture of the wild carefree person I could have been popped into my head and I burst into tears. Unlike the tears I shed the night before my parents split up, these tears felt cleansing. They were the kind of tears you shed when greeting a long-lost, much loved friend. "


Thank you Maddy, after over a year of trying to get to the bottom of my throat issues (including numerous modern medicines and alternative therapies), you managed to get to the root cause and clear it in one session!


I love how your healing is direct yet gentle but most importantly it's effective! You have a wonderful gift and I'm so glad you're sharing it with the world.

Anna Pearce

Working with Maddy has been and continues to be a very special and sacred experience for me. Maddy's intuitive wisdom speaks from an ancient knowing source and her many years of practice and dedication to her own self work provide the safe and professional container. I feel held, heard and supported when we journey into the deep recesses of my shadow and beyond into the other parts of my psyche and indeed into other unworldly realms. I am profoundly changed through this work, more alive and more awake and more compassionate towards myself and others. It is an integral part of my inner work and I highly recommend Maddy as a grounded, empathic and secure guide.

Katey Rowland

"Maddy Maddy Maddy were do I start to thank you, I can move ! I sleep soundly at night no pain when I turn. I was sore at working at the pub, but not doubled over in pain and not being able to move or walk as before. My aggression while driving has gone. I feel completely at peace with myself and my light is shining again (well the day to day life is still there lol  But that's life) thank you so much again words cannot express what I feel, it is absolutely phenomenal, thank you, may I book in again once my next hospital appointments have finished when you are feel, lots of love light and blessings  Julia xxxx"

Julia Hobbs

Thank you so much for my session yesterday. I spoke my mind twice yesterday without even thinking about it, or offending anyone! And this morning I walked straight down the stairs without a thought of painful knees.


I feel refreshed and positive thanks to your healing hands.


I will be touch with regard to a soul retrieval session and would definitely like to try and attend your Wednesday evening sessions.

Thank you again Heidi x

My Shamanic Healing adventure

"I have to admit that I was not at all sure what to expect from a Shamanic Healing,  and as I had no preconceived ideas I was open to whatever was to happen.

Maddy made me very welcome and asked what I felt I needed help with.  I hadn’t really thought that through, but I did have a dodgy knee, which I didn’t mention, and I do need to loose some weight, which is pretty obvious, so told Maddy that looking at any issues to do with weight loss blocks would be a good idea.


First she scanned my body for any blocks/physic hooks, and found blocks around my knees, which she then removed. I immediately noticed a change in the pain level in my knees joints, brilliant. A great start. While Maddy drummed and guided me on a meditation, I had a really odd tight , but not unpleasant or painful, feeling in my stomach.  As the session continued it faded away. 


At the end of the session I felt uplifted and energised. I had a fresh insight as to ways forward  with my healthy eating. Most importantly I felt confident something had shifted and changed. In the couple of weeks after the session I have found it easier to make better choices about amounts of foods to eat and have really benefitted from the new insights I gained in the session. I would thoroughly recommend Maddy’s Healing sessions to anyone looking to understand themselves better."

Sue Salt

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© 2015 Maddy Elruna

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