Fellowship: “friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests.”
So what can you expect?
• Rune-wisdom. If runes aren’t your thing, don’t worry, I translate the runes into practical wisdom.
• Chanting. Chanting as a group brings us together, releases stress, and may create a trance state.
• Led journey (with drum or gong). Perhaps shamanic, maybe meditative- you’ll experience it as you most need.
A community - for learning, connecting, discussion and laughter.
We meet twice a month, first and third Wednesday of the month, in some warm barns in East Sussex (between Lewes & Uckfield). The group runs from 7pm-9pm, and costs £10.
The group is open to all (no previous experience needed) but it is a very safely held space. So if you would like to join us please drop me an email- so we can connect and make sure we are both a good fit.
This group is the corner stone of my community space- we journey deep, laugh hard, and share our journeys as we go.